July 11, 2014

Patterns & logos

Holla! Those of you who follow my facebook page would have seen the beginnings of this project. To start building up my folio (and for fun) I have decided to create a logo and branding for a made up florist! I wanted to merge it in with something I have always loved doing which is pattern making. Maybe it's a bit of my mother rubbing off on me. So I have been playing around with different pattern ideas. The top image is one I made last night although I'm not sure if this is the one that I will end up using. In any case it has really inspired me to make some more patterns. So now I have two projects instead of one, funny how this always seem to happen.


  1. Did you really mean the Italian word millefiori ?

    1. Yes, I had luckily picked up on it before I was doing any major printing! I guess a perfect example of how you should always spell check :D
