May 8, 2014

Darlings and Daisies

Yesterday all the steps were confirmed and I am happy to announce that I have been lucky enough to get an internship with Hallmark cards. I am so excited to learn the inner workings of the design industry and see the pacing of projects which I think will be completely different to the pacing at Uni. I late last year had an assignment where we had to make a series of Christmas cards in an Australian/New Zealand theme which Hallmark chose 3 designs, one being mine. I then found out earlier this year that I had also been the student chosen for the internship that they were offering. These little things as a beginning designer gives you such a boost of confidence as only really your teachers and family see your work, so for someone outside of that to like my work is a great feeling.

As promised here is a little give away for all you lovely people who have taken time to look at my blog. It has been very exciting as I see the end of the year draws nearer and finally school/study will be over and I can take the next big step into the real world as most of my friends now are already there. But then the daunting task of finding a job begins, so I think that why I started this blog, to start taking those little steps as a young designer in to this big, scary world. So I wanted to give something back, for the confidence you have given me with your support.

So how it will work, I have two of these little prints to give away so if you type your name below before Sunday and on Sunday morning I will collect all the names and put them into a hat and pull two out. If you check back to this post Sunday afternoon I will update it with the two winners. Good Luck!!

Congratulation Chrissy and Jacaranda your names were pulled out of the hat, so please contact me on my email so I can get your addresses to post these off to you. THankyou to all the people who put their names below and all your lovely messages.


  1. Love your illustrations hope all goes well for you

  2. Congratulations Celeste and thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  3. Love your cards, congratulations and I wish you well.

  4. Wow! Your art is really lovely. Bet wishes!

  5. Congratulations Celeste, you are at the start of what might be a very exciting life in design

  6. Lovely designs Celeste. Best wishes for your career.

  7. Many thanks Celeste, your beautiful lady card arrived this morning. It is stunning. I have just the right frame for it. Thank you again. Jenni S.

  8. Thank you so much for my print Celeste I am going to post it on my fb page.

    I was also impressed with the envelope with colourful tape it came in, your professional card career shows already.

  9. Thank you both for your kind words :D I had to make my own envelope as I have not found (nice) one that would fit prints... will have to make my own
