May 15, 2015

Signs of autumn

This week has gone past in a blur, I'm not sure if it is because I have been sick or because I actually did some stuff this week as opposed to being bed bound. It is quickly becoming winter here, which I seem to be the only person not minding the change in temperature. I love coats, boots, layered clothing and scarves - of which I have at least 25 different ones so cooler weather suits me. The tree out the front of our house has started to loose its leaves which is leaving these really cool, knobbly branches bare.

I also got to attend the AGIDEAS conference this year thanks to my friend Edward. It consisted of one day this year as opposed to the 3 day conference. I'm sad to see the 3 full days of inspirations leave but I definitely found the 1 day conference better to absorb all the creative knowledge. I'm glad it hasn't left all together, it was such a great resource as a student. After the conference we had some pretty awesome burgers in this tiny packed out burger place in Footscray! As I start to feel better it is now on to trying to find a job. I have been trying to update my digital part to my folio - apply my new knowledge I learnt through my internship.

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