August 17, 2014

Oxfam presentations and thumbnail sketches

So this is what my Oxfam booklet looked like before I bound it all together, late at night hense the blur. I kept putting off this post so I could photograph it better, but sometimes putting something out there is better than not doing anything so apologies for the blur. A whole lot of research and stress went into making this book. It was great to not only present all our hard work ( me and four other students) to Oxfam but also to hear their feedback and what they had to say about our projects. As the final presentations were run at certain times we didn't get to hear everyones presentation so it was great to hear what my fellow students had done.

Below are my thumbnail sketches from planning the book. This is really starting to move into full swing now! With our campaign only 14 days left, and all our fingers and toes crossed, we hope it will get funded and make all this time and effort worth it because without your support this could not happen. It has been a great project and one I have learned a lot from such as costing everything carefully. There are so many incidental cost that you don't consider first up which all add up in the end - like, shipping, customs, trial prints, ISBN purchase and barcodes. At first we were trying to print in Australia, to help Aussie business and avoid double shipping costs but this seemed an impossible dream as unfortunately the production costs in Australia are so high. So anyway if you know of anyone who loves travel, creating things and textiles then send them this link, it would be very much appreciated as we get our project into the world.

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